FASTer Way to Fat Loss 3 Week Update

FASTer Way to Fat Loss Update


HAPPY MONDAY! Who is ready to get after it this week?!!

I’m officially 3 weeks into the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program and I wanted to share 4 things that have surprised me about the program, and what have been my hottest items at the grocery store the last month!

If you don’t have any clue what I’m talking about, check out my 4 months postpartum post where I explain a little bit about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program!


4 things that have surprised me the most about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Program:

  1. How Quickly I saw results: I’ll admit I was pretty skeptical of the program going into it especially because I’m nursing. BUT I swear that I saw a difference in my body within 5-7 days. I could see changes in my body, clothes fitting better and the crazy thing was…I was eating ALL of the food! This kept me super motivated on and on track! I’m currently halfway through the program, and have lost weight & inches (technically I’m not supposed to weigh myself so shhhh….don’t tell!!But I already have lost a few lbs!)

  2. How easy the intermittent fasting is: I was honestly really worried about skipping breakfast and not eating until noon. Going 16 hours without food seemed pretty much impossible. ha. Can you tell I love food?!! I pretty much was convinced that I might shrivel up and waste away during the 16 hours. lol.

    It’s turned out that intermittent fasting is one of those things that sounds harder than what it actually is (for me anyway). Its really just getting past thinking about eating all the time! In order to make the transition easier, during “prep” week I worked my way up to the 16 hours of fasting. And this is coming from someone who LOVES breakfast. Truthfully, It makes my mornings so easy to not eat and I really feel like its working!

  3. My milk supply has been great: Outside of the intermittent fasting, maintaining my milk supply was probably my biggest concern going into this whole thing. I’m happy to report that MY MILK SUPPLY HAS INCREASED. Guys, I have more milk now than I did before AND I’m getting leaner relatively quickly! I have no issues on low carb OR low macro days. So, this was clearly a pleasant surprise!

  4. Prep week is overwhelming, but after a few days everything becomes second nature: During prep week, I felt a little overwhelmed with info and scared i wasn’t going to be able to manage this. Crazy as it sounds, after a few days, I was starting to take the time to plan the night before (I totally recommend this) and punch everything in to myfitness pal! Remember, knowledge is power! I can’t say enough how much you will learn about fueling your body when you join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.


The next round starts on July and you can register here: . THIS IS an affiliate link, but please know I didn’t even share the link before I started because I wanted to be sure it was something I could stand behind! I truly love how I feel right now and I’m starting to feel confident that this can get me where I want to be physically WHILE I’m nursing my little guy!

I have another 3 weeks left in the program and I’m excited to see where it will take me! I’ll be sharing my results mid July on the blog including a Q & A on the program.

My current grocery store list:


As always, let me know if you guys have any questions about the program!



Meal Plan Monday & snacks I'm loving

Anyone else have a sunshine hangover? Can we all just skip work today and celebrate SPRING and no more snow?! Kidding...{kind of} Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to get after this week!

Today I'm sharing a unique recipe... Pork is not something I have in my usual meal rotation but this meal is actually super tasty, healthy, and even kids like it because its more sweet than spicy. The Hoisin sauce I use to flavor this meal is pretty low in sugar and carbs which makes me love this recipe even more.


Pork Stir fry with Snow Peas

Pork Tenderloin, cut into cubes
4 cloves garlic
1 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled & minced (2 tablespoons)
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon dark sesame oil
2/3 pound Snow Peas
1/2 Red & Green Pepper, chopped
3 tablespoons Hoisin sauce
1/4 cup water


1. Toss the pork with half the garlic, half the ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Marinate at room temperature for 15 minutes. 
2. While pork is marinating, start cooking the rice. Heat a skillet over high heat and add olive oil.  Add the remaining garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add mushrooms and peppers. When mushrooms begin to sautee/peppers soften (3-4 mins), add sugar snap peas. Cook for 2-3 mins. Remove into a separate bowl to cool. 
3. Heat the same skillet used for the vegetables and cook the Pork mixture. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Return the vegetable mixture to the skillet when Pork is nearly cooked through. Add the hoison sauce and soy sauce to taste, cook until juices thicken. I like to add 1/4 cup of water as the juice thickens- I think it makes it perfect to spread over the rice! Totally up to you though. 
4. Serve over rice and enjoy!! 

Snacks I'm loving

Image 4-22-18 at 9.34 PM.jpg

Also, I wanted to share a few snacks that I've been loving for me...and a few for the kids. My boys love the Nature's Bakery fig bars. I just saw today that they have an Organic Oat and Honey option so I snagged it and they LOVE them. I like how there is no high fructose corn syrup, that they're organic, and not too messy!

Strangely enough,  Neither of my boys like cow's milk. I don't really force it because I'm not super sold on cow's milk we try to get their dairy through almond milk in their oatmeal, yogurt (Seb really isn't feeling it at the moment..hopefully that changes!) and various cheeses. These Horizon cheese stars are Max's favorites. I think he likes the taste as much as the different shapes :) These I have only been able to find at Target. Just what I need, another reason to "force" me to go into target..ha. 

I've completely overhauled my diet the last 3 weeks and cut out all sweets so finding alternatives for my sweet tooth has been a challenge to say the least. I've been loving the thinkthin Cake pops lately though. My favorite flavor definitely has to be the chocolate. Low sugar and it hits the spot after dinner when I crave something sweet!

Last but not least... is this Buff Bake Peanut Butter spread. GUYS. This is so freakin good. Not nearly as good as Nutella, or Peanut Butter Company  {{these are clearly off limits at the moment}},  but it certainly satisfies and packs some extra protein. Beggars can't be choosers at the moment so I'll take what I can get,  I love how these two treats are somewhat guilt free and help me satisfy that sweet tooth that never seems to disappear! 

Have a great week everyone! 




Thursday Thoughts 6/1/17

Hi everyone! Happy June! Hope you are all having an awesome {{shortened}} week! YASS to 4 day weeks! :) I had a quiet memorial day as my oldest was away with my parents at the races and hubby was away coaching. Let's talk about how EASY one kid is! I feel like I got so much done! Laundry, organizing, cleaning, down time and even some quiet time. 

I took Sebby to the grocery store, {{and because for once in my life I wasn't in a complete rush}} ALSO...sans car seat! Things will now be 83984542 times easier {and lighter} without lugging a car seat into said store. YASSSS. I grabbed some new items at the store...and I'm obsessed. First things first- the HERO bar. Literally tastes LIKE a candy bar. But isnt! Definitely try out Quest's newest amazing invention. husband is obsessed with ThinkThin's flavored oatmeal. I can't break away from my plain quaker oats with Peanut butter mixed in, but he SWEARS by the flavors he has tried. I guess it changes things up for him. Anyway, I was browsing at Wegmans and found ThinkThin Unwrapped Protein Bites (I chose peanut butter flavor of course). I decided to try them out. These are *awesome* when you need a quick snack..with only 170 cals, 22 g carbs for 8 pieces and 10 grams protein you can't go wrong!

Lastly. I cannot believe it has taken me so long to try Halo Top. Guys. This was so so good. I have been eating Arctic Zero the last 2 years, I can honestly say that the texture of Halo Top tastes so much more like ice cream than Arctic Zero. I snagged the vanilla and mixed it with..yes..of course PB. With only 240 cals for the entire pint..makes you feel a little less guilty for treating yourself! 


                                                                        Halo Top...definitely going to try this flavor! 

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend...xo



Pregnancy Workouts/Update: Weeks 8-12

Hi everyone! Hope you are all enjoying your weekend! Here is a little Pregnancy update of weeks 8, 9, 10 & 11. The struggle. was. so. real. So tired. But now so HAPPY to be out of that first trimester. Trying to catch up a little bit blogging as I didn't share with everyone until week 12 that we were expecting. Coming next week will be week 12, 13, 14, 15. I'll be 16 weeks on Sunday. Below you will see a photo collage. I promised myself that I would do a weekly photo. I saw a pregnant {{fit}} woman do hers in her bathing suit and it really was incredible watching how the female body transforms. Not just the stomach area-she was so lean to start and her legs, arms, stomach all gained to support the life growing inside of her.

And as amazing {{and hard}} as the whole process is, I wanted to do this to show that these changes happen to everyone, even fit mommies like me who eat pretty well and work out during pregnancy! So I'm embracing it this time around because I'm creating something special :) Please keep any comments positive especially as this mama gets bigger! 

Also coming next week is an awesome healthier option to CHICKEN WINGS..yes. Wings. Pretty sure I bleed Frank's Red hot sauce and am obsessed with it --even more so than normal during this pregnancy. So keep an eye out for next weeks posts! So yummy!! 

Enjoy and thanks for joining me on this journey...



                 From top left to bottom right starting with week 5 and ending with week 12. Can definitely see a difference everywhere! 

                 From top left to bottom right starting with week 5 and ending with week 12. Can definitely see a difference everywhere! 

Week 8:

How have you been feeling? So. stinking. Tired. I mean you guys. I feel like I can’t even move in the morning.

Do you have morning sickness? No

Do you have any cravings? I’m really enjoying cheese and bread at the moment. Those are two thijngs I didn’t really eat a lot of when I was leaning out …so just living a little :)

Do you have any food aversions? YES. I cannot believe that my go- to breakfast item of oatmeal mixed with peanut butter is totally turning me off! It is crazy! The smell of it makes me want to vom.

Weight gain so far? +3 pound

Any mood swings? Ask my husband. Ha ha!

 Sleep: has been amazing! Can’t get enough.

Stretch marks: no

Clothing: Still wearing my normal gear

Rings: ON

Movement: none yet

Strarting to show? No..just looks like I have a beer gut after dinner.

Boy or girl: I’m thinking team blue right now!

Random thought of the week: Everyone at my OB coulden’t stop talking about how surprised they were to see me back again - ha ha! I was a tough nugget that first 6 months when I was pregnant with M... Ha

Weekly Workout schedule:

Sunday: Had a great run. 7:57, 7:38, 7:23 and 7:18 were my mile splits.

Monday: Lower Lift

Tuesday: Soccer workout –about 45 minutes. Mostly stop and go, agility but everything at about 75-80% maximum effort. I just cruise J

Wednesday: Upper Lift

Thursday: 4.5 miles in central park.. I’m in love with that place. 8:10, 7:54, 8:04, 8:09 and 8:26 splits.

Friday: Off—tons of walking …like over 20k steps in the city

Saturday: off

 9 weeks

How have you been feeling?And the fatigue continues. Starting to get really tempted to have a nap.  And work has been super stressful so that has made it tough.

 Do you have morning sickness? No

Do you have any cravings? CARBS.  

Do you have any food aversions? Totally made a crockpot meal for the two of us this week and the smell of it…I just could not eat it. I had to make something else for myself.

Weight gain so far? +3 pounds  (same as last week)

Any mood swings? I think I’ve been pretty cool.  

Sleep: Has been great other than the fact that I wake at 4 or 5 am STARVING and need to go down stairs and eat. For those of you who have been pregnant, you know the type of hunger I’m talking about. This isn’t the kind you can brush off. This is like a never -going -back -to -sleep till I eat again.  

Stretch marks: no

Clothing: Still wearing my normal gear

Rings: ON

Movement: none yet

Starting to show? Starting to get thicker but only changes I would notice

Boy or girl: I’m thinking team blue right now!

Random thoughts this week: The pasta that I had when I went out to eat was divine. :P See above in cravings


Sunday: FELT AWESOME. 3 mile run and just felt so good. Like I was just cruising. 7:15, 7;20 and the last mile I totally tanked. Was breathing too hard, going uphill for almost a whole ½ mile and had to slow myself down. But I was still stoked about how I felt for a majority of the run.

Monday: Lower Lift

Tuesday: 3.34 miles with Max in the stroller. Let me just tell you how much harder of a workout this is with the running stroller!! 8:39, 8:20, 8:34, 8:26 splits. I felt tired, fatigued. Usually the day after a lower lift is pretty tough. But I got it in.

Wednesday: off

Thursday: 30 min elliptical

Friday: Lower Lift

Saturday: 3.4 mile run again with Max in the stroller. 8:36, 8:28, 8:28, 8:20 splits

10 weeks

How have you been feeling? I final caved for a minimum of 2 naps this week. When M went to sleep, so did I. Unfortunately I am only home 2-3 times a week when he naps- if I was home every day, I would probably have napped every day. Motivation this week to exercise was tough but I ALWAYS felt better after the fact {{read:more energy}} and never regret getting out there.

Do you have morning sickness?No

Do you have any cravings? Fruits and can I tell you how much I love siggis yogurt right now?

Do you have any food aversions? This week it was the crockpot rotisserie chicken that literally I had to force feed myself. Even salads I’ve had to get really creative with just to get them in my system

Weight gain so far? +2 (5 total)

Any mood swings? Feeling ok emotionally

Sleep:  Naps, night time sleep..give me more! 

Stretch marks: no

Clothing: Still wearing my normal gear

Rings: ON

Movement: none yet

Starting to show? Starting to pop out a little bit more now but definitely not “showing” 

Boy or girl: I’m thinking team blue right now!

Random thoughts: Another dr apt…does anyone else hate how they bring up “birth plans” and child labor at like week 10? C’mon Doc. Give me a little time. Legit have PTSD thinking about that ish.

Weekly Workouts:

Sunday: 6 x400m , 90 seconds each. 2 minute rest in between. (Normally I would do these at about 80-84 and at my best 72-76.)

Monday- lower lift

Tuesday- off

Wednesday-Upper lift. 15 minute interval bike ride 30 seconds “fast”, 1 min recovery/slow

Thursday:  soccer workout – 45 mins

Friday: lower lift

Saturday: 8:16, 8:20, 8:41, 8:45. Felt tired.


Week 11:

How have you been feeling? Starting to feel less tired! Hallelujah! 

Do you have morning sickness?No

Do you have any cravings?  Judging by the disgusting amount of candy I eat on Easter Sunday, I would have to say sweets? LOL.

Do you have any food aversions? None other than the usuals I’ve mentioned

Weight gain so far? +1 (6 total)

Any mood swings? Other than my eaters remorse..I think I was a happy camper

Sleep: sleeping good

Stretch marks: no

Clothing: Still wearing my normal gear

Rings: ON

Movement: none yet

Starting to show? Getting there..

Boy or girl: I’m thinking team blue right now!

Weekly workout:

Sunday: off

Monday: 4 X800s : 3:25, 3:27, 3:30, 3:30. Normally I would do these in 3-3;3:10 and at top fitness level 2:50-3 minutes. 3 min rest in between each

Tuesday:Soccer workout

Wednesday: Soccer Workout

Thursday: Upper lift

Friday: lower lift

Saturday: 4 mile run *;34, 8:35, 8:05, 8:00 and 7:58 splits. Got a second wind halfway through somehow!

Sunday: 5 mile run –should have been a day off but easter Sunday was so gorgeous. 68 and sunny…in March! So I went for it. 8:07, 8:02, 7:55, 8:05, 8:23 splits.


Until next time...