FASTer Way to Fat Loss 3 Week Update

FASTer Way to Fat Loss Update


HAPPY MONDAY! Who is ready to get after it this week?!!

I’m officially 3 weeks into the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program and I wanted to share 4 things that have surprised me about the program, and what have been my hottest items at the grocery store the last month!

If you don’t have any clue what I’m talking about, check out my 4 months postpartum post where I explain a little bit about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program!


4 things that have surprised me the most about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Program:

  1. How Quickly I saw results: I’ll admit I was pretty skeptical of the program going into it especially because I’m nursing. BUT I swear that I saw a difference in my body within 5-7 days. I could see changes in my body, clothes fitting better and the crazy thing was…I was eating ALL of the food! This kept me super motivated on and on track! I’m currently halfway through the program, and have lost weight & inches (technically I’m not supposed to weigh myself so shhhh….don’t tell!!But I already have lost a few lbs!)

  2. How easy the intermittent fasting is: I was honestly really worried about skipping breakfast and not eating until noon. Going 16 hours without food seemed pretty much impossible. ha. Can you tell I love food?!! I pretty much was convinced that I might shrivel up and waste away during the 16 hours. lol.

    It’s turned out that intermittent fasting is one of those things that sounds harder than what it actually is (for me anyway). Its really just getting past thinking about eating all the time! In order to make the transition easier, during “prep” week I worked my way up to the 16 hours of fasting. And this is coming from someone who LOVES breakfast. Truthfully, It makes my mornings so easy to not eat and I really feel like its working!

  3. My milk supply has been great: Outside of the intermittent fasting, maintaining my milk supply was probably my biggest concern going into this whole thing. I’m happy to report that MY MILK SUPPLY HAS INCREASED. Guys, I have more milk now than I did before AND I’m getting leaner relatively quickly! I have no issues on low carb OR low macro days. So, this was clearly a pleasant surprise!

  4. Prep week is overwhelming, but after a few days everything becomes second nature: During prep week, I felt a little overwhelmed with info and scared i wasn’t going to be able to manage this. Crazy as it sounds, after a few days, I was starting to take the time to plan the night before (I totally recommend this) and punch everything in to myfitness pal! Remember, knowledge is power! I can’t say enough how much you will learn about fueling your body when you join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.


The next round starts on July and you can register here: . THIS IS an affiliate link, but please know I didn’t even share the link before I started because I wanted to be sure it was something I could stand behind! I truly love how I feel right now and I’m starting to feel confident that this can get me where I want to be physically WHILE I’m nursing my little guy!

I have another 3 weeks left in the program and I’m excited to see where it will take me! I’ll be sharing my results mid July on the blog including a Q & A on the program.

My current grocery store list:


As always, let me know if you guys have any questions about the program!



My Diet/ Nutrition while Pregnant


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So this post is a little ironic because I totally banged about 4 pieces of pizza last night for dinner haha. But anyway, I have about a week left in this pregnancy and I wanted to share what I eat on a daily basis during pregnancy! In some ways its been the same, but in some ways so different!

Also, incase you missed it above, I linked my sweatshirt here!

So, when I’m not pregnant and not breastfeeding I count my macros (strictly in the beginning, and once I get to where i want to be, loosely.) I’m sure you’re wondering what the heck macros are. The term stands for macronutrients, and it refers to the three macronutrients that should be part of any healthy eating program: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. If you’re following the macros diet, you’re keeping track of these three macros, aiming to eat a set amount of each based on your goals.

My macros generally during non pregnancy are around 130 p, 50-70 fat, 100 carb. I sometimes carb cycle (higher carbs, like 150-200 one day, and then only 50 the next day) but thats generally what my range looks like. Please remember I‘m by NO MEANS an expert or a nutritionist and I have done this based off of research as well as trial and error during my last two postpartum periods trying to lose weight/lean after completely weaning my sons.

I’ll be sharing TONS more of this and my actual meal plans etc after my baby comes but as you know losing weight will probs be the last thing on my mind the first 4 weeks haha.

I haven’t tried to do much strict eating while nursing in the past just because it is so important to me and I would never want to risk my milk supply. Also NURSING HUNGER?!! lol it seems almost impossible to limit food intake sometimes.

So, onto pregnancy. During pregnancy, some days I have a loose idea of what I’m eating macro wise but its not really a priority. I think I have habits that are already engrained in my routine that its eas(ier) to eat healthy on a regular basis.

First trimester

This is probably the hardest one for me. I am so tired and and HUNGRY all. the. time. I think everyone is different, I never get sick so I feel like I end up eating more and gaining!! I totally crave carbs and feel like I wake in the middle of the night needing snacks. Like an all encompassing hunger!! So, I TRY to keep my carbs healthy (ie. rice, sweet potatoes, etc) but I do admit I add cereal back into my nightly routine because I honestly can’t make it through the night without eating something before I go to bed. I also add bread back into my meals. Not on a daily basis and I try to stick to eziekiel bread or whole grain but I do eat it. Cereal, granola, and bread are three things I don’t really eat on a regular basis when leaning out or just maintaining. Veggies are sometimes scarce for days at a time during this phase but I always know its temporary and get back to that in second and third trimester.

Second & Third Trimester

These are much easier for me, my hormone levels have leveled out and I have more energy. I don’t need to eat as much and I’m able to try and stick to my diet more, and also have less aversions. I do find that I’m able to eat LESS and I get way more heart burn which turns me off eating the portion sizes that I normally do, especially for breakfast in the morning.

*Daily Eats*


My go-to breakfast every. single. day. is oatmeal with peanut butter. I have a water jug and it legit takes 5 minutes for the water to warm. I throw a 1/2 cup into a bowl, a tablespoon (okay…maybe more haha) of PB and the hot water and call it a day. Most days this is all I eat because I am running around with my two toddlers getting ready for the day. WHY IS THE MORNING SO CRAZY!! LOL!!

Pre pregnancy I would make a point to hit 20-30 g protein for every meal but some days in pregnancy I just can’t stomach that!! So, that would be like 2 or 3 eggs with the oatmeal, or turkey bacon, or chicken sausage. With my second pregnancy I actually didn’t have the PB oatmeal…I had some weird aversion to it! But I had oatmeal with brown sugar and blueberries.


My go-to’s are apples (completely obsessed right now with green apples), berries, and any sort of bar—meaning KIND protein bars or Quest protein bars. I also have greek yogurt and like chobani. Generally I have flavored (something else I don’t really have when leaning out) like vanilla or strawberry but I do rotate plain in there.

I was having protein shakes up until about 31 weeks when I was working out at my gym but since I’ve stopped going I haven’t had any. I’m still lifting on my own but there’s no real intensity, I know I’m not building muscle, and I just don’t want it! So I don’t! Normally I have them on a daily basis when breastfeeding and obviously post breastfeeding to hit my protein quota. I’m just not that hungry right now and don’t see the need. If I’m hungry after a workout I try to pick something like a bar, or yogurt as mentioned above to quench my hunger.


I try to stick to lean proteins for lunch. Chicken is a big go-to for me. I buy pre- grilled chicken sometimes at Wegmans, or when we grill (yes, we still grill in winter lol) I make extra. Normally I shoot for 3-4 oz of chicken for lunch when counting my macros and when you measure your meat on a daily basis you honestly can tell how much meat you have and don’t have to measure. So I try to bring that to work with me with some baby carrots. Some days I’ve had eggs and a piece of toast if I have had a smaller breakfast (only oats). Maybe once a week I have a soup but those are honestly my two go-to meals. I know its boring but it works and kind of keeps me on track even during pregnancy.


Dinner obviously varies. I do get Sun basket deliveries 2-3 times a week and I feel like that helps with portion control and variety. I definitely get at least one stir fry a week and we eat A LOT of turkey chili in the winter.

We do grill once a week, and during the beginning of my pregnancy we were probably grilling 2-3 times a week because it was summer. Fish, and chicken.

I have a few go to meals—fajitas, chicken cordon bleu, cheesy chicken that I make for the whole family when we can eat together and my husband isn’t working late. I’m going to try and get more healthy recipes linked after we have the baby so you can see what I’m eating to lose the weight.

Night time

My nighttime snacks are probs my biggest weakness. During pregnancy as I said earlier I have to eat before I to bed, so I have always veered towards cereals and especially granola. I’ve made it my goal to try and eat LESS granola (just so much sugar!) and I think it has helped. Most nights I have cereal with almond milk or flavored chobani yogurt and thats served me pretty well. I haven’t had granola in ages #win for me!!

Sweets/Splurge meals during pregnancy

Okay. I DEFINITELY eat way more treats during pregnancy. Part of my son’s doughnut here, some chocolate covered nuts there…haha. But I try to do it in moderation and if I do it one night, I just wait a few days/nights for the next one. The biggest tip I can give is not having it in the house because once its there, the temptation is so REAL lol.

And I try to be smart about what I pick, like if I pick candy I try to get dark chocolate covered almonds so at least its somewhat better! I also find I don’t feel great after so that always helps. We generally eat a healthy diet for meals, but if we are having pizza we try to get it from a place called Pizza plant where we can get whole wheat crust, and veggies on it so its somewhat healthy.

If I know I’m having a heavier carb meal ( like last night haha) I try to plan my day around that and maybe not have as much carbs. Also the next night for meal planning I tend plan a meal with more lean proteins. Also, my last tip is honestly don’t step near the scale after having a cheat meal or heavy carb meal. Your weight will naturally go up due to water retention from the carbs and takes a few days to level out! Don’t torture yourself and just enjoy your splurge snack or meal and get back to business the next meal :)

Weight Gain during pregnancy

I might do a complete post on this because I have so many thoughts on this topic!! But this pregnancy I’ve gained about 32 or 33 pounds. I definitely gained more with both other kids, around 35 with Max, 38 or 39 with Seb. I’m not really sure why. But I do think cutting out granola, LIFTING for as long as I have has helped maintain some muscle mass and being so active the first 28-30 weeks. So I’m in the “healthy” range of weight gain but I’m by no means some chick sitting here saying I’ve only gained 20-25 lbs. And I’m totally freaking okay with that. Whatever gets me a healthy baby and healthy supply of breast milk. :)

So..that in a snapshot is what I eat! Hope this helps some of you pregnant mama’s out there!!

