Talking Collagen: Live Conscious Collagen Peptides

Talking Collagen: Hair, Skin, Nails & Joint Health

Thanks to Live Conscious for sponsoring this post

After having three kids in under 5 years, it’s no secret that my hair, skin and nails had been through a LOT. As most of you know, hair loss after pregnancy and affected me the most after my third son. Prioritizing myself in the months after having my baby was important to me after putting baby first for so many months. Looking for a great collagen to make a difference in not only my hair, but my skin and my nails was my task at hand. Instead of doing the same thing over and over hoping for better results, I decided to rethink the way I treated my hair and skin from the inside out.

I’ve started using Live Conscious Collagen Peptides over the last 90 days and have seen a big difference in not only my skin and hair, but my nails. Normally this time of year they become brittle with the cooler temperatures, but since I’ve been taking Live Conscious, they’ve been stronger than ever.

Its important when looking for a collagen that it is high quality collagen, that the collagen is clinically studied, and the serving sizes are at the clinically recommended amount. Live Conscious Collagen Peptides are high quality, grass fed collagen and have zero additives and fillers. They are third party tested and are highly bioavailable which is HUGE for me. This means that they are easily absorbed by the body, meaning they work better!

What are the benefits of Live Conscious Collagen Peptides? Well, as I mentioned earlier, my hair, skin and nails are on another level! Restoring elasticity, hydrating the skin, and helps reduce the visible signs of aging are all byproducts of these Collagen Peptides. But not only that, they benefit areas of health beyond hair- bones, joints, gut health, and immune system.

I love this product because its SO easy to take- I just add it to my smoothie or any drink in the morning. My husband adds it into his coffee! Its never grainy or clumpy and dissolves easily. When mixed with just water, Collagen Peptides has a subtle, natural taste. They’re virtually tasteless in your coffee, smoothie, or any other flavored beverage!

I had tried other collagen products with little results so I was definitely skeptical at first. But now, after 1 bag, I’ve seen firsthand my nails are stronger, my hair is breaking less easily, and my skin has never been better since using Collagen Peptides. 

The quality of this product is unmatched, and its such an easy way to do a little something for yourself every morning to feel and look your best!

This would make an amazing stocker stuffer for ANYONE!

Have you tried Living Conscious Collagen Peptides before or any other collagen?

Thanks to Live Conscious for sponsoring this blog post. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own!

