7 more sleeps! Only a week left until Christmas!
I know a ton of you guys are still shopping …including me! I’m totally utilizing 3 day shipping (a lot of retailers offer it free of charge) and of course the biggest win of 2020: CURBSIDE PICKUP! I have about 3 of them to do tomorrow!
Todays’s gift guide is the Preschooler Guide…one of the best ages ever! Happy Shopping friends and thank you as always for shopping through my links! xo
Hi friends! Can you believe it is Christmas next week? It;s go-time!
I’m totally not ready and I’m sure that some of you (actually a lot of you, especially mamas..) aren’t ready either! I feel like I’ve got a majority of my gifts for my kiddos done..except baby #3! As I was on the hunt tonight so I decided to help y’all out!
I’ve rounded up my fave Toddler gifts and the best thing is 95% of these are still available to be shipped to your house on time before Christmas #winning!!
Hi friends! happy October! One of the best months ever!
I’ve had my fall decor up for about a month now (I’m a little extra, I know..haha), but I know a lot of you are JUST getting your decor up for fall now that it’s October! I thought I would share some of my favorites with you all!
Alright guys…one of most highly requested posts is HERE. Nursing & Working out!
FACTS: Out of the last 90 months, I’ve spent 83 of them either breastfeeding or pregnant. Let that sink in. EIGHTY THREE months, and still going strong. Breastfeeding has been a really big part of my relationship with each of my babies, and often I get the question about what I eat to fuel my body so I can work out, get fitter/leaner AND keep my nursing supply up.
Let me just say right off the bat: Working out is something that you can 100% do while nursing! If you are eating the right foods, listening to your body, and tapering your training the right way, working out is a great way to find time for yourself postpartum, feel good, improve your mood and lose the postpartum weight!
I can’t believe May is around the corner and so is….Mother’s Day. Probably the most important holiday EVER, am I right mama’s??!! Its definitely going to be a different Mother’s day this year, but we are all going to make the best of it! Mom’s are legitimately THE most important people ever!
I’m excited to publish my Mother’s Day gift guide! With most stores being closed, it is even more important to order gifts on time! Most retailers are behind in shipping so make sure you get your orders in on time! All of these gifts are either items that I have and love, or are on my wish list/are very highly rated!
Just about one month ago, our lives as we know it were turned upside down. Schools were closed, most businesses were closed, playgrounds closed, and any contact with anyone other that your immediate family wasn’t allowed (except for essential business workers).
Navigating homeschooling for our oldest, managing our properties, overseeing our businesses and working remotely, and looking after our other two children without any help were our new normal. Sometimes I’m not even sure how we get through each day…. between the 9382 emails from school (haha,) working on different projects for our businesses at home, and keeping my other 2 kids happy and engaged my head is spinning.
Our schools are closed all the way until at least April 20th so we will be homeschooling during the week. I’m grateful that the weather will be picking up soon. The question is ….what to do with the kiddos outside of their “schoolwork” if they’re homeschooling… when everything (like literally everything like playgrounds) are closed?!! Playing outside is an easy fix, but the weather won’t always cooperate! I need things to do that are easy & that are at home (again, because of the regulations..and because I have 3 different age groups of children to cater to!)