It’s Monday! Time to Grind and get the week started!
I wanted to jump on here and share a little wisdom with regard to weight loss & what to do when you reach a plateau! There is nothing more frustrating when what you have been doing STOPS working when you’re trying to get leaner or lose weight…so I’m here to help.
6 things to do when weight loss has stalled
NUTRITION: If you guys know me, you know how I preach that good nutrition is the key to getting to where you want to be. Re-evaluate how you’ve been eating. Remember, every little bit adds up. The small piece of donut or spoonful of peanut butter makes a difference. Reign yourself in and I highly recommend tracking what you’re eating whether it be by hand, or by myfitnesspal! This will be an eye opener for sure and get you back on track! Yes, I know its hard AF. But, if you want it bad enough you’ll get through those first few days. It takes 3 weeks for something to become a habit. That discipline will be like second nature after a week or two. My honest recommendation: focus on fats and proteins and lower your carbs.
Do Less: I know this sounds counterproductive, but believe it. I do less- but when I’m working out, I make it count and go hard. Days off are important, especially when you’re training hard! Our bodies needs time off.
Sleep: Sleep affects everything in your body including hormones, appetite, energy! Ever heard of cortisol? Do the research! Sleep is crucial to weight loss and just overall body function. Also, those of you who are postpartum are probably reading this thinking…umm its impossible for me to sleep! I feel you! I RARELY did morning workouts when I was nursing and the kids were infants. I fit it in during the day because I already wasn’t getting much sleep. Just know that your baby WILL sleep soon, and its just a matter of getting through it!
HIIT: Any explosive movements you can do in your workout will blast fat like you won’t believe! Think: Squat jumps, jump rope, sprints, broad jumps, burpees, or really any activity that you can do for 15 seconds-1 minute will raise your hear rate and burn fat. You don’t need any equipment! Search HIIT exercises on IG or pinterest. I guarantee if you add HIIT into your workout regiment 2-3 times a week you’ll see a difference in your body.
Resistance Train: Weight training has CHANGED my body for sure, especially after having three kids. It has been the #1 reason that I was able to lose all the baby weight. Weight training is critical for weight loss because it increases after burn exercise, and by increasing muscle size (this increases the number of calories we burn at rest). If you’re not comfortable and don’t know where to start, hire a trainer. If you don’t have the money for that, buy some bands and kettlebells/free weights. Watch videos online and look at the smallest details. Form is important!
WALK. I know this sounds silly, but i Walk SOOOO much and it makes such a difference in weight loss! Move more! Park farther away, walk to your errands, go for even a 10 minute walk 2 times a day. Trust me, it adds up! I shoot for a minimum of 10k steps a day, and usually hit 15k unless the weather has been super crappy! You don’t need to be a marathon runner to lose weight! All you need to do is WALK!!
Remember, be PAITIENT. This process isn’t a sprint, its a marathon!