Hi friends! Can you believe its already Thanksgiving? I’m excited for a day of relaxation, family, and checking out Black friday deals for y’all! Shopping online of course :)
I wanted to jump on here and share on how I tackle Thanksgiving from a Nutrition/Diet standpoint! I love thanksgiving and all of its food, but I don’t love how I feel if I overindulge. The last few years I’ve lived by these rules and I’m still able to enjoy thanksgiving, but I still feel good the next day!
6 tips for Thanksgiving
Don’t skip meals: My biggest tip is DON’T SKIP meals thinking that it will help you lower your caloric intake! I definitely suggest eating normal so that when it comes time for thanksgiving meal, you’re not starving and less apt to over eating! Think oatmeal, eggs, and lean proteins/veggies throughout the day.
Hydrate: Tons of water! Sometimes our hunger messages get mixed with thirst! Drink before you eat!
Focus on the proteins and veggies first: I always, always, always fill up on the protein and salad before I go after any sides, desserts, etc! My family always buys a bigger turkey because I eat so much of it haha!
Stay active: walk, etc: I know this year is a little bit different, but get outside! Walk, join a virtual 5K, get a quick HIIT workout in…get moving!
Watch the apps: I try and pick and choose- I might nix the apps and just have a glass of wine! That way while everyone else is eating, I’m just slowly sipping away! It can be easy to over eat when you are socializing!
Remember its just one day! Don’t beat yourself up if you overeat! It’s one day!~ What matters is what you do tomorrow, and the day after that!
Have an amazing Thanksgiving friends!