Happiest of New Years to all of you! I meant to have this post up the first few days of January but life happens! We were on vacation, then we got home and we were all hit with the flu. I am JUST starting to feel like a human again! 2020 sure has been a ride ((already!))
I love the fresh start of a new year, especially after the holiday period. The holidays are so amazing but they are also so exhausting at the same time! Its nice to have January to reflect, reorganize, refocus, RELAX, and declutter!
I think every year there is this pressure to make yourself into a super woman at the start of the new year. I do think its great to have goals to shoot for-BUT remember that everybody is in a different space in life and sometimes just BEING is enough.
We can all get caught up in wanting to do more, and be more, achieve more literally 24-7 without just enjoying and being in the moment. We don’t appreciate who we are in this very moment because we are so busy trying to become “better” or “conquer” the next best thing. Which …to be honest…makes you miss a huge part of life!
Sometimes its ok to just BE what we are. To relax and do “nothing”. I know one of my goals for 2020 is to just BE in the moment, enjoy the progress that I’ve made as a person and to just relax. You don’t always have to go, go, go to make steps forward! Appreciate the journey, and take a deep breath before moving forward again.
I’m doing things a little bit differently this year. I’ve selected a few words of the year through which I’ve tied goals to.
For those of you who would also like to have a word of the year, here are a ton of them to give you some ideas.
How do you choose a word? Here’s some tips:
Ask yourself what do you need in life right now?
Think about traits that are important to you
Think about this past year and anything you want to keep/change.
Make a list of words that resonate
Don’t overthink it!
My words:
Fulfilling: My biggest one this year is Fullfillment. Does _____ give me fulfillment? If it doesn’t, it doesn’t belong in my life. End of story.
Memories: Creating and making memories is high on my list this year. Too often we can get caught up in “doing” so much that we really aren’t living life!
Discipline: Discipline is honestly the key to so much in life! It’s the difference between what you want that very moment and what you want most!
Balance: My last word is balance. I think this is something we are ALL striving towards in life. Balance between work & family life…balance between motherhood and holding on to the individual person that you are. The list could go on and on. And while sometimes i think balance is something that is sooo hard to achieve, I’m still going to try and do my best to get there!
Just BE more. Be content with everything and anything. Its so easy nowadays to want more: success, happiness, health, etc. Slow down, enjoy the moments. Slow down for my mind. For my kids. For my health and my body! Of course I’m not saying be this way every day (impossible) but every now and again. relax. Breathe. Fight the voice that is telling me to “do”. Celebrate who I am and what I am and what I’ve accomplished for once before taking the next step forward!
Run double digits every week (10 miles or more). Run a half marathon. Wake up earlier: Honestly I would love to be up at 5 am every day. This really hasn’t been feasibile this past year because, hello, newborn…but I’m hoping 2020 is all about sleeping through the night so I can get into a schedule & rhythm! Routines: Get back into a REAL routine with the kids. Sure, I’ve had a routine with the boys over the last year…but to be honest its been ever evolving based around Samson’s schedule. Any addition to a family is a huge change to the dynamic, but three was mind. blowing. at times! The first 6 months were really hard, especially when I’m on my own at bedtime a few nights a week. I’m excited because I feel like through this next year we are going to be able to really settle into a longer term routine and I’m vowing to make time for more reading, more prayers, and more baths now that the ever exhausting first year of baby is done.
Buy less things & travel more. I’m currently doing a #nospendjanuary that hopefully will spill over into February :) So far, so good! Lunch helper at school: continue to commit and spend the time to be at my son’s lunch! its so special for him and he (and I) look forward to it! Now that we’re more mobile, find more interesting and fun things to do with all three kids to make memories.
Be at church more: even if I miss out on half of what the sermon is because the baby…or the older kids want a snack! Community Service: Take the time to do some sort of community service with my older two sons . Spend time doing things I LOVE like being outside, being with my family & kids, working out, and blogging.
Those are just a FEW of the “goals” that I have for the year, obviously I have others that are more traditional and apply to my family, to my work/ family businesses, to my blog/instagram & brand, etc. !
I hope this served to inspire you in some way shape or form to organize for the upcoming year!
Do you have any goals for 2020?
Happy New Year!