Happy FRIDAY y'all! Hope this week has flown by for you and you have some fun weekend plans! I'm sharing a few random things today...Pregnancy, my thoughts on the post baby #2 photo shoot (and some advice!), and an AWESOME recipe thats been a go-to this summer for us! Let's get to it!
17 weeks Pregnant
No news is good news, right??! I don't have anything to report over here, except that I've had a great week of working out, moving and being active. I also had pizza twice. lol. hey, its called #balance.
Workouts: I'm still able to hover around 8:30 splits when I run, and am doing very low, low box jumps lifting wise ((those will probs end very very soon)). Everything is pretty much fair game in the weight room except I've started to put some of my upper body lifting exercises (benching, free weights) on an incline.
Sleeping has been hit or miss. Some nights I'm really restless and then I think it catches up to me and I sleep like a log after a few nights of average sleep. It's crazy how much bigger I am with this baby than the first 2, I feel like I was hardly showing with my first at this point in time!! I guess thats called muscle memory ha. I've had some heartburn and I'm still squeezing into my "postpartum" regular jean shorts (a size or two bigger than I was when I got pregnant).
I am actually really looking forward to some cooler temps in September and LESS humidity. MY RINGS have been a serious issue! Its been so humid I feel like my fingers are already swollen! EEEK! Some days I have been going without which honestly makes me feel naked. Ugh. I'm kind of like..this is happening already? Really? I haven't even hit 20 weeks. ha.
Also, last but not least, YES I have felt the baby move :)
Names- we have no idea. Naming a third baby in the same sex is pretty difficult!!
Any suggestions??!
Weight wise I'm still hovering around 11 or 12 lb weight gain!
Photo Shoot
So..truth be told I'm gonna be blitzing your timeline on insta over the next month or so with my shoot that I did when I was about 6 weeks pregnant. Even though I was already pregnant...I am so dang PROUD of the photos (and thanks to my girl Kristy for her awesome work during the shoot). Its funny how in the moment you're always criticizing yourself and thinking "I'm not enough"...but I look back on the photos and I feel this overwhelming sense of pride- for achieving a goal, for getting a piece of me back ((even if it was for only a month or so lol)), for following through with something I wanted to so badly, for the sacrifice and discipline. For fighting through the moments of doubt, moments of hard, hard mommin'. Moments of looking at myself and not even recognizing who that was in the mirror, but believing if I persisted it would lead me to my goal.
So...this is just a reminder to all of us-its HUMAN NATURE to always want more. Of course I could be more "fit" looking in those photos. And now, My baby bump could be smaller and so could my ass. But its OKAY. I am enough...and so are you. And if you have that yearning for more...go for it. But still respect the hell out of yourself and your body in your current state!
Recipe: Ground Turkey Fajita Bowl
Okay..even though my nutrition has been not quite as disciplined as I normally would be, I am still loving some healthy meals and wanted to share this awesome meal that is not only healthy, but EASY and FAST!! This has been on our weekly meal plan every. single. dang. week.
Things I love about this recipe- awesome flavor, quick and easy, no cutting of meat (ground turkey #ftw!!), you can buy most of these ingredients pre-cut if you don't have time to prepare (or lets be honest don't feel like it ha) , its lower carb, and you don't need to know how to cook to make this!!
Green, Orange, Yellow Pepper Sliced
1 small onion sliced
1 Poblano Pepper sliced
Mushrooms (optional)
Simply Organic Fajita Simmer Sauce
Lettuce (cut)
1 Avocado pitted and sliced
1 lb Ground Turkey
1. Slice Onion, Peppers. Cut mushrooms if already not sliced. Heat oil in pan. Warm onion, until starting to brown. Add mushrooms, brown. Add peppers. Sautee for 4-5 minutes until softened.
2. Remove vegetables from skillet. Add oil if pan is dry. Cook turkey. While turkey is cooking, slice lettuce and prepare avocado as a garnish.
Ground turkey cooking...above is the boys fajita that we made for them for dinner!
3. When turkey is cooked, add Fajita sauce. Add vegetables. Stir an cook for 3-5 minutes. Let cool. Place in bowl with salad and avocado. Enjoy!
Hope you guys all give this one a try! Have a great weekend!