Hi everyone! Hope you are all enjoying your weekend! Here is a little Pregnancy update of weeks 8, 9, 10 & 11. The struggle. was. so. real. So tired. But now so HAPPY to be out of that first trimester. Trying to catch up a little bit blogging as I didn't share with everyone until week 12 that we were expecting. Coming next week will be week 12, 13, 14, 15. I'll be 16 weeks on Sunday. Below you will see a photo collage. I promised myself that I would do a weekly photo. I saw a pregnant {{fit}} woman do hers in her bathing suit and it really was incredible watching how the female body transforms. Not just the stomach area-she was so lean to start and her legs, arms, stomach all gained to support the life growing inside of her.
And as amazing {{and hard}} as the whole process is, I wanted to do this to show that these changes happen to everyone, even fit mommies like me who eat pretty well and work out during pregnancy! So I'm embracing it this time around because I'm creating something special :) Please keep any comments positive especially as this mama gets bigger!
Also coming next week is an awesome healthier option to CHICKEN WINGS..yes. Wings. Pretty sure I bleed Frank's Red hot sauce and am obsessed with it --even more so than normal during this pregnancy. So keep an eye out for next weeks posts! So yummy!!
Enjoy and thanks for joining me on this journey...
From top left to bottom right starting with week 5 and ending with week 12. Can definitely see a difference everywhere!
Week 8:
How have you been feeling? So. stinking. Tired. I mean you guys. I feel like I can’t even move in the morning.
Do you have morning sickness? No
Do you have any cravings? I’m really enjoying cheese and bread at the moment. Those are two thijngs I didn’t really eat a lot of when I was leaning out …so just living a little :)
Do you have any food aversions? YES. I cannot believe that my go- to breakfast item of oatmeal mixed with peanut butter is totally turning me off! It is crazy! The smell of it makes me want to vom.
Weight gain so far? +3 pound
Any mood swings? Ask my husband. Ha ha!
Sleep: has been amazing! Can’t get enough.
Stretch marks: no
Clothing: Still wearing my normal gear
Rings: ON
Movement: none yet
Strarting to show? No..just looks like I have a beer gut after dinner.
Boy or girl: I’m thinking team blue right now!
Random thought of the week: Everyone at my OB coulden’t stop talking about how surprised they were to see me back again - ha ha! I was a tough nugget that first 6 months when I was pregnant with M... Ha
Weekly Workout schedule:
Sunday: Had a great run. 7:57, 7:38, 7:23 and 7:18 were my mile splits.
Monday: Lower Lift
Tuesday: Soccer workout –about 45 minutes. Mostly stop and go, agility but everything at about 75-80% maximum effort. I just cruise J
Wednesday: Upper Lift
Thursday: 4.5 miles in central park.. I’m in love with that place. 8:10, 7:54, 8:04, 8:09 and 8:26 splits.
Friday: Off—tons of walking …like over 20k steps in the city
Saturday: off
9 weeks
How have you been feeling?And the fatigue continues. Starting to get really tempted to have a nap. And work has been super stressful so that has made it tough.
Do you have morning sickness? No
Do you have any cravings? CARBS.
Do you have any food aversions? Totally made a crockpot meal for the two of us this week and the smell of it…I just could not eat it. I had to make something else for myself.
Weight gain so far? +3 pounds (same as last week)
Any mood swings? I think I’ve been pretty cool.
Sleep: Has been great other than the fact that I wake at 4 or 5 am STARVING and need to go down stairs and eat. For those of you who have been pregnant, you know the type of hunger I’m talking about. This isn’t the kind you can brush off. This is like a never -going -back -to -sleep till I eat again.
Stretch marks: no
Clothing: Still wearing my normal gear
Rings: ON
Movement: none yet
Starting to show? Starting to get thicker but only changes I would notice
Boy or girl: I’m thinking team blue right now!
Random thoughts this week: The pasta that I had when I went out to eat was divine. :P See above in cravings
Sunday: FELT AWESOME. 3 mile run and just felt so good. Like I was just cruising. 7:15, 7;20 and the last mile I totally tanked. Was breathing too hard, going uphill for almost a whole ½ mile and had to slow myself down. But I was still stoked about how I felt for a majority of the run.
Monday: Lower Lift
Tuesday: 3.34 miles with Max in the stroller. Let me just tell you how much harder of a workout this is with the running stroller!! 8:39, 8:20, 8:34, 8:26 splits. I felt tired, fatigued. Usually the day after a lower lift is pretty tough. But I got it in.
Wednesday: off
Thursday: 30 min elliptical
Friday: Lower Lift
Saturday: 3.4 mile run again with Max in the stroller. 8:36, 8:28, 8:28, 8:20 splits
10 weeks
How have you been feeling? I final caved for a minimum of 2 naps this week. When M went to sleep, so did I. Unfortunately I am only home 2-3 times a week when he naps- if I was home every day, I would probably have napped every day. Motivation this week to exercise was tough but I ALWAYS felt better after the fact {{read:more energy}} and never regret getting out there.
Do you have morning sickness?No
Do you have any cravings? Fruits and can I tell you how much I love siggis yogurt right now?
Do you have any food aversions? This week it was the crockpot rotisserie chicken that literally I had to force feed myself. Even salads I’ve had to get really creative with just to get them in my system
Weight gain so far? +2 (5 total)
Any mood swings? Feeling ok emotionally
Sleep: Naps, night time sleep..give me more!
Stretch marks: no
Clothing: Still wearing my normal gear
Rings: ON
Movement: none yet
Starting to show? Starting to pop out a little bit more now but definitely not “showing”
Boy or girl: I’m thinking team blue right now!
Random thoughts: Another dr apt…does anyone else hate how they bring up “birth plans” and child labor at like week 10? C’mon Doc. Give me a little time. Legit have PTSD thinking about that ish.
Weekly Workouts:
Sunday: 6 x400m , 90 seconds each. 2 minute rest in between. (Normally I would do these at about 80-84 and at my best 72-76.)
Monday- lower lift
Tuesday- off
Wednesday-Upper lift. 15 minute interval bike ride 30 seconds “fast”, 1 min recovery/slow
Thursday: soccer workout – 45 mins
Friday: lower lift
Saturday: 8:16, 8:20, 8:41, 8:45. Felt tired.
Week 11:
How have you been feeling? Starting to feel less tired! Hallelujah!
Do you have morning sickness?No
Do you have any cravings? Judging by the disgusting amount of candy I eat on Easter Sunday, I would have to say sweets? LOL.
Do you have any food aversions? None other than the usuals I’ve mentioned
Weight gain so far? +1 (6 total)
Any mood swings? Other than my eaters remorse..I think I was a happy camper
Sleep: sleeping good
Stretch marks: no
Clothing: Still wearing my normal gear
Rings: ON
Movement: none yet
Starting to show? Getting there..
Boy or girl: I’m thinking team blue right now!
Weekly workout:
Sunday: off
Monday: 4 X800s : 3:25, 3:27, 3:30, 3:30. Normally I would do these in 3-3;3:10 and at top fitness level 2:50-3 minutes. 3 min rest in between each
Tuesday:Soccer workout
Wednesday: Soccer Workout
Thursday: Upper lift
Friday: lower lift
Saturday: 4 mile run *;34, 8:35, 8:05, 8:00 and 7:58 splits. Got a second wind halfway through somehow!
Sunday: 5 mile run –should have been a day off but easter Sunday was so gorgeous. 68 and sunny…in March! So I went for it. 8:07, 8:02, 7:55, 8:05, 8:23 splits.